SA & Jake White's 2007 Rugby World Cup DESTINY
Go Bokke... Go..!
And boy, didn't they do just that.
What a fantastic picture of John Smit, his team and President Thabo Mbeki with the 2007 Rugby World Cup hoisted high above their smiling heads.

For me, this is a great story of focused strategy and planning on the part of ONE man - Jake White..!
There is absolutely no doubt that Jake visualised this moment four years ago when appointed to the role of South Africa's National Rugby Coach.
He knew what he needed to do - build up a team of committed professionals who would be ready to take on the best in the world in 2007... and set about doing it.
Was it easy? Hell, no! Everything bad about political interference and internal politics in sport was thrown at Jake. Yet, he never wavered on his quest. He knew what he needed to do, and did it.
Not for one moment do I discount the incredible commitment of his players. They were the ones to put their bodies on the line. But, for me, it was Jake White who gave them the support of consistent selection to build up their experience and confidence as players who could take on anyone and win.
John Smit, as captain, was critical to Jake White's plans - he became the solid rock around which the team was built. And, I think that he is only going to get better as both a player and a leader..!
Move over, Sean Fitzpatrick... your successor has arrived.
Well done all... DESTINY smiles on those who prepare for it.
Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790