Making A Difference In SOWETO
mdiVENTURES has been cementing joint venture relationships with organisations in Soweto.
The graphic below shows the link that flows from business networking relationships made at the INNER Circle Business Forum, to joint venture strategic alliances nurtered through mdiVENTURES, to a number of interconnected business strategies with differing business partners all designed to help one of our key partners - The SOWETO Chamber of Commerce & Industries - to make a significant difference to SME business entrepreneurs in Soweto.

Note the importance of bringing together motivated, enthusiastic independent business entrepreneurs (e.g. StaffWeb, Ubuntu Kraal and Ushamwari, some at grass-roots, first-time, start-up level (e.g. Community 100 Empowered) and recognised corporate institutions (e.g. Nedbank) to leverage off each others critical skills, resources and contributions.
If YOU want to make a difference in SOWETO in any way, let us know on this link and we'll get back to you ASAP to discuss how we can apply your idea, resource or contribution:
YES Please, I DO Want To Make A Difference In SOWETO, Here's My Idea or Contribution