
Monday, March 05, 2007

MAD 4. STAND UP For Something... And BE COUNTED..!

Today's society is chock-full of people who couldn't care two hoots about anything or anyone... this society is also chock-full of people who are really unhappy with their lives.

These are people wondering what their real purpose in life really is, wondering what they can do that is different, bemoaning almost everything that happens in the world... and wishing that someone would do something about it.

Well, that someone is YOU..!

Someone who can take the DECISION to make a meaningful difference... in your life... in the lives of others. Someone who IS prepared to stand up for something or someone... and be counted..!

What all of these unhappy people in the world, who couldn't care much about anything, are missing... is the fact that life is really quite simple, the rules are really quite cut and dried... there are no grey areas to life (I love the reaction this stirs with the 'grey' people in life).

Every matter that confronts us as a society allows us only one of three responses. And it is our response that determines how life unfolds for all of us in society.

We are either FOR something... or AGAINST something... or we don't have an opinion either way (called 'sitting on the fence').

Whether we like it or not, each of these three positions in life, on any matter, will have either a POSITIVE effect or a NEGATIVE effect, dependent on which of the three allows for the status quo to exist on that matter.

For example, there are many who are concerned about the destruction of the South American Rain Forests... if the number of people intent on destroying these forests combined with the number of people who couldn't care two hoots OUTWEIGHS the efforts of those who are intent on protecting them... these forests WILL be destroyed.

Disinterest and apathy (i.e. not having an opinion either way) unfortunately, almost always WEIGHTS the result towards a NEGATIVE effect for society... or whatever the matter at hand.

Thankfully, I have found that the DECISIVE ACTION of the few... to take a firm decision FOR or AGAINST a matter... to stand up and be counted with integrity... can alter the course of any matter. It can alter the course of history..!

The strange thing is that when you take a decision to stand up for something or someone and you do your best to make a meaningful difference... no matter what the result... YOU tend to feel good about yourself for doing something..!

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -


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